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Full - transform from stressful to wonderful

Often things come to me in the early hours of the morning, this morning the word FULL was it.

Being Dyslexic, my mind plays around with words and all sorts of images and feelings surround them, the words move around and like to position them self’s differently to how they are supposed to, I struggled with this at school but now see, that seeing things differently as a gift.

So back to this word FULL, was it because I felt full, full from eating too late? Or was it my mind that was FULL? I have been so busy being busy the last few days, now with lock down easing, appointments, and going places, my diary filling up that I realised I wasn’t giving myself the time I needed to just be and process things. The overwhelm starting to creep in, do you get that feeling?

I am watchFULL of which type of Fullness that can take hold. It can too easily start to become the norm, then can lead to much more than overwhelm further down the road. As long as I am aware of which FULL I am feeling, I know what to do to help it change from becoming stressFULL to being wonderFULL. Some of the techniques I use include meditation, journaling, connecting with nature and tapping into creativity.

I am currently working on exciting new project and course and I will be sharing more about this and how these techniques can help you go from stressful to wonderful and helping unlock your unique creativity. If you would like to find out more, drop me an email

What kind of full are you feeling today?

If you would like to join the new private Take Time to Dream space I am creating in over in Facebook, email me so I can send you the invitation to join,


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