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Astrid's story of heart break, grief and finding the light again.

Are you a believer that things happen for a reason? Meeting Charlotte Nichols a few months ago was not just by chance, as with a lot of things in life, I feel we are destined to find people at the right time. Charlotte and I got chatting in the infrared sauna at Rockcliffe Hall spa, I felt an immediate warmth, and it was not just the sauna! Having discovered we both are interested in health, founders of our own businesses and mothers we connected.

Charlotte Nichols founder of Harvey and Hugo PR based in the North East of England also is host to the PRsonal podcast, she has a special skill in helping people voice their incredible stories, for this reason I knew Charlotte was the right person to share my own story with.

In the words from PRsonal this is what we talked about,

'Astrid Blake’s story will break your heart.

Having longed for a baby, she couldn’t wait to be a mum.

Then, in Astrid’s words, everything went black. Her whole world suddenly vanished.

Astrid suffered a stillbirth.

In perhaps the most emotional episode of PRsonal to date, Astrid discusses that life-altering event with host Charlotte Nichols.

From holding her beautiful baby, Lyra, to coping in the aftermath, Astrid bravely shares her experience – and how meditation and the power of nature helped.'

It was not easy, but I felt I was asked to do this from somewhere deep inside me.

This is for you, Lyra, and anyone who it may help.

I carried you with hope and joy

I carried a heavy heart, lost in grief

With your divine guidance, I transformed this, and I now carry your message,


Thank you Lyra our angel we were blessed by your presence.

I believe our hearts are the way to connect beyond the chatter of the mind, it carries eternal wisdom, allow space to listen to the quiet voice, trust and have faith, know that it leads from a place of pure love.

I believe we all have the ability to transform, from darkness comes light.

‘The heart has its reasons, which reason does not know’ Blaise Pascal

To watch and listen to the podcast, link to my YouTube channel here or @prsonal_podcast , thank you @charlottenichols_hh @harveyandhugopr

From this tragedy something else was born, from this soul shattering experience I have been drawn to follow a path, a cord which leads to light and love and from which I have created Heavenly Human, a guide for those who are seeking the way home, peace, joy and love. To discover this, please link on my website for your FREE downloadable copy and discover The FLAIR method, and the unique 5 steps I work to help others who are seeking a compassionate guide and mentor.


Astrid x


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