Norway colour story- Sun baked

This summer an unexpected colour palette emerged from my visit to our summer cabin in Sørlandet (south coast of Norway). The sun broke through this year after a very wet one last year and keep shining day after day. My daily walk to the fjord edge for our ritual morning dip winds down from our cabin along the cliff edge lined with rocks, pines and silver birch. Looking down the path a living patchwork blanket of fallen leaves, pine needles, grasses and moss, full of nature and life, including ants busy carrying and hurrying about (no holiday for them).
Morning dip path - a soft sun-dried palette, delicate shades or palest greens, blue grey green, lightest terracotta and straw yellows with a dark ground just peeping through.

The rocks (and there are a lot in Norway!) we walk past daily radiated warmth, heated by the midsummer's long sunny days. My colour trained eye constantly seeks inspiration, looking closely in unexpected places.
Here this rock offered a palette of soft yellowed green mix with speckled tints of pinks from the lightest to rose shades grounded by a purpled grey and topped with bluish whites.
These palettes would work well as inspiration for an interior scheme, textile design, fashion and accessories collections or even as wedding theme. I can help build colour schemes, work on mood boards or inject some inspiration to a project. Contact me if you would like to collaborate or work together