Creative & Holistic, Consultant & Mentor
personal mentoring
spark and ignite your dream, transform and realise potential

become your best self
for brave souls ready to shine
This is a fully immersive package where all eyes at every level are on you. I mentor and guide using a unique path, The FLAIR Method, discovered on my own transformational journey.
This is a high level transformational experience. This works on both the internal and external levels, on balancing the scared energy of the heart and head.
I work with you combining a designers experience and skill set and as an intuitive spiritual mentor. Going within for the answers, connecting with both source and soul. Enabling you to see yourself and the world in a whole different way.
We delve deep through the layers and labels, helping you clear blocks so that you can ultimately become the co- creator of your dream vision, unlock unlimited potential, in order to impact positive change in your life, your families and in your work.
This is not for the faint hearted, you need to be able to fully commit to this process, and it is important we feel comfortable working together as I guide and support you to do the work.
Because of the level of work and bespoke attention to you and your unique needs, I only take on a few clients each year.
Are you ready to do this? If have a deep urge to know more, listen to it, you are here for a reason.
Contact me for a chat to see if we are a fit.
​What do you get from doing this transformational work?
There are many positives to be gained here are a few,
Reduction from the effects of stress and overwhelm
Improved clarity of mind
Being more effective and successful in work
Finding your spark and unique passion & purpose
Heighten feeling of wellbeing
Appreciation of nature and how it can support you
Connecting more deeply with what you love and brings you joy in life

The F.L.A.I.R. Method
Following my own journey to create success & live a soul aligned and joyful life, I discovered a path, 5 key steps which was the creation and birth of The F.L.A.I.R Method that I lead my clients through to help them understand and connect with themselves on a deeper level.
Sometimes we need support to help us reconnect with our own inherent wisdom.
Read on to discover how I can help you.

heavenly human
the rite of passage
to become the person
who can be, do and have
what they truly desire
It is not by chance you are here, you know you are ready to take the steps necessary for your own personal journey, a journey which will open you to your next level.
This is a call to approach life and your sense of being in a way that can change everything.
What to know how?
Read my story, and discover the transformational path I took which has become the basis of the method I help others in unlocking their true potential.
This is YOUR TIME.
This is THE TIME for action.
5 key steps to unlocking your potential.
22 self powerful reflective questions to start you on your transformational journey.
heavenly human
Through my signature methodology The FLAIR Method, I help you to release limiting patterns that make you feel stuck and guide you to reconnect with your creative gifts, and your desire to express them through purposeful work. Ultimately to bring you home to your true self, your joy and your connection to your Divine light.
This 5-step process is the way that I used myself and I use to mentor my clients, to tap into their unique creative flair, to help clear the path to build a sustainable, connected, joyful and balanced life that has no limits no how far it can grow.
In my FREE 32-page downloadable guide I will give you a clear overview of the 5 steps in The FLAIR Method and provide you some action steps to get started. You will also discover the story which lead me to creating this transformational method.
Working with me means, going within for the answers, connecting with both source and soul, being prepared to look at yourself and the world in a whole different way. This method works in balancing both the divine masculine and feminine energies and coming to know how to be led by the heart and use the head to help action your unique path.
Through a combination of healing, mentoring, guiding and my creative and intuitive gifts I will connect you TO YOU on the most deep-seated level.
So are you ready to find your FLAIR?

Are you ready to do this? I offer a free 20 mins chat.
Contact me to arrange a call.