Creative & Holistic, Consultant & Mentor
free inspiration
Visionary, creator, leader and brand founder Astrid shares her inspiration and intuitive insights in the FREE Blog, poems and online videos. Take part in challenges designed and set by Astrid or join the PRIVATE Facebook group.
Get to know more before you take the next step in joining one of
Astrid's creative and wellbeing courses
or work with Astrid directly 1:1

The intuition
Discover how to connect to your creative core, access wellbeing, abundance, and intuition.
Download your FREE copy of The Intuition Challenge
Get ready to step out of your comfort zone and become the most intuitive, self confident version of yourself.
Discover the ability to balance and elevate your creativity and wellbeing, the natural way. Which will in turn benefit all aspects of your life.
FREE your mind, OVERCOME DOUBT and release your CREATIVE SPIRIT.
The more you trust your intuition, the more empowered you become.
Are you ready to listen to and follow the voice calling from deep within you?
Waking Poems
Their birthing place is from the ‘thin place’, the place between sleep and awake, the space and moment where the distance between heaven and earth seems almost non-existent. The meeting place between the conscious and unconscious minds.
The unconscious is where magic lives, as I wake, I write these messages as they come to me.
These poems and messages come from my highest, deepest self, and with this, they also have the power to connect with other’s highest and deepest selves.
I share them as I believe the messages they carry are intended for more than just for me.
Astrid x

Take Time to dream space
A FREE Private Facebook group,
Would you like to know more?
Join me in my FREE Facebook Take Time to Dream Space
What will you gain from joining?
I will be sharing insights, inspiration, meditations and advice from my experience as
A designer- how to source inspiration, on colour, visualisation techniques, how to apply it to projects, your business and life.
From my own personal healing journey- how to unblock paths to creativity, overcoming overwhelm and finding a calm place to tap into your own unique creativity, which in turn will to help enhance your life and wellbeing, the NATURAL WAY.
PLUS connection with an inspiring group.