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colour consultancy

bringing colour expertise and inspiration to your project

Astrid Blake mentor wellbeing and creative

colour that speaks naturally

Colour goes beyond what we see with our eyes, it  connects with us on so many powerful levels.

 It can imprint it's qualities in our subconscious mind, it can be aspirational, uplifting, healing, sooth or excite.


How do you want colour to work for you?


Nature is where I draw inspiration for colour, my eye is instinctively seeks unique and beautiful combinations which I share with you.


Know want you like, but not confident how to use colour?


I also have the ability to draw out your unique love of colour,  organising and enhancing it so it can be applied to your project at a professional level. 

colour palette creation

Do you want all eyes on your product or service?


Yes, well colour has the power to speak to directly to the heart and catch the eye. It can uplift any project if done right. 


Creating workable colour palettes which can be applied across multiple platforms, social media, websites, products, packaging is a skill.  It is all about finding inspiration, balance and uniqueness.


With over three decade of experience in working with colour I help create your perfect palette.


wheat colour palette Astrid Blake.jpg
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