Colour Stories
Things are looking up… Our well-being, is one of the most important themes today, and is influencing how we live and the environment,...
Let it Go
As we move forward from 2022 into the New Year and the next phase, now is a time to pause, honour what nature shows us, be part of the...
Transformation, from stuck to creating the dream.
Do you dream of a fairy tale life? Are you disappointed when things aren’t perfect? What is perfect? The original fairy tales give us...
Guided Meditation for late summer
Welcoming in September. The weeks have flown by, all the more with the build up to the start of school again and both my children are...
Colour Connects
Just think of a world without colour, unimaginable! Think of the blessing we have in the seasons, the colours, the beauty and variety,...
Natural Summer
What is your idea of the perfect summer? What do you long for, the sense of freedom, lightness of body and mind? Nature helps us connect...
Experience how nature can truly inspire and bring joy - New course Open Now
I am excited to share with you my brand new course in the Capture the Seasons collection - SUMMER - A MINI ONLINE RETREAT, take a...
Time to reflect
Nature gives us clues all the time, but in this busy world do we give it time? That is why I am so passionate about taking time to be...
Capture the Seasons- New Online Course by Astrid Blake
This January ritual of looking forward and backward is fitting for the first day of a month named after Janus, the Roman god of...
Spirals - Inspired by Nature
Patterns in nature can inspire on so many levels, to a designer for a new print or how it connects with our own life journeys. Recently I...