Tips for raising the vibration of your home this Spring.
Can you feel it? The energy of spring?
Do you find the transition between winter and spring hard? Â
Here are some tips to raise the v

Out of the Woods, from dark to light
As we enter the darkest time of year, it is good to remember stories that bring us hope of reaching the light again. Â The festive season is

The FLAIR Method, unlock your potential
This summer, just as we are at the highest aspect, with the Solstice and new moon, pushing us to open our minds and spirit to new horizons.

Why does our mind spin out of control at night and what to do
Sleep is a time when our thoughts can keep us up, and it can become a cycle we feel trapped in. Don’t beat yourself up, there are ways to he

Unlock your True Potential
January can bring all sorts of emotions to the surface as we start to emerge from the darker days of December into the light and new...

Peeling back the layers, getting to the heart of the matter- Artichokes lessons from nature.
Each season has so much to share not only in the fruits and harvest, but also in the messages and lessons nature can teach us. This...

Wellness month workshops in August
The summer will be busy but I hope you find time out for some less busyness! I am delighted to join The Station throughout August to...

One of the valuable practices I use in Capture the Seasons courses evolves observation. Here is a challenge for you to try today. Notice...

Lightness of Being -The Enigmatic Sovereign
With the recent celebrations of the Queens Platinum Jubilee, which were immensely enjoyable, I followed the events on TV, the trooping of...

Words and places hold memories
Lockdown has brought home so many things, the restrictions on travel is one. Looking back at my travel journal and photos of my very...