Mindful walk in nature with Photography
Are you taking a moment for yourself? Try this mindful walk in nature with photography to calm the mind

Capture the Seasons- New Online Course by Astrid Blake
This January ritual of looking forward and backward is fitting for the first day of a month named after Janus, the Roman god of...

Colour Inspiration
What ever creative project you are starting on colour will play a key part. Colour has the power to speak directly to the heart. Finding...

Seedlings - room to grow and be inspired
In the midst of all that is going on are you finding new ideas popping up, or old ones coming to the front of you mind? Creativity will...

Look after yourself- 5 tips for working from Home
If you are currently working from home now more than ever it is so important to look after yourself and share any tips on how to with...

Alice & Astrid photo shot
When I started the brand Alice & Astrid my aim was to create beautiful textiles and garments that make the wearer feel special and in...

Norway colour story - Sea line
Norway's coastline is famous for it's fjords, the water is deep and if you fancy a dip it is often a leap of faith into the fresh sea...

Norway colour story- Sun baked
This summer an unexpected colour palette emerged from my visit to our summer cabin in Sørlandet (south coast of Norway). The sun broke...