Mindful walk in nature with Photography
Are you taking a moment for yourself? Try this mindful walk in nature with photography to calm the mind

Peeling back the layers, getting to the heart of the matter- Artichokes lessons from nature.
Each season has so much to share not only in the fruits and harvest, but also in the messages and lessons nature can teach us. This...

Solar power
Feeling summer change? Are you fully powered up? Before the busyness of September start absorb the pure energy, of the sun, the earth and...

Unlock a Path of Self Healing and Connect with the Power of your Intuition
What gift can you give yourself today? A simple thing that will bring you connection and great joy? Isn’t that what we are all looking...

Natural Summer
What is your idea of the perfect summer? What do you long for, the sense of freedom, lightness of body and mind? Nature helps us connect...