Peeling back the layers, getting to the heart of the matter- Artichokes lessons from nature.
Each season has so much to share not only in the fruits and harvest, but also in the messages and lessons nature can teach us. This...

What is a Visionary?
Visionary to be able to see something before it is visible to others. To have capacity to vision, to dream, hold it and bring it to life....

Intuition- tap into your personal power
How do we tap into the power of Intuition? Do the opposite of what we normally do. Follow these 3 steps Step 1 Doing and filling all your...

Guided Meditation for late summer
Welcoming in September. The weeks have flown by, all the more with the build up to the start of school again and both my children are...

Capture the Seasons- New Online Course by Astrid Blake
This January ritual of looking forward and backward is fitting for the first day of a month named after Janus, the Roman god of...