What is colour forecasting? Why it is so important and how it can work for you.
Who decides what colours we should buy? And have you ever wondered what colour forecasting is? Who comes up with the colours we see in...

Colour palette inspiration- from the heart
How do you chose colour? We all have favourites, or ones that catch our eye in a shop, magazine, online, in nature or a new boutique...

Seedlings - room to grow and be inspired
In the midst of all that is going on are you finding new ideas popping up, or old ones coming to the front of you mind? Creativity will...

Fabric wreath- craft project
How to make a fabric wreath, creative crafts using recycled fabrics, inspiration and textiles by Astrid Blake

Block printing workshop
I love sharing my studio and inviting groups up for some creative time. It is a space to relax and go with the flow, learn a new skill,...