Tips for raising the vibration of your home this Spring.
Can you feel it? The energy of spring?
Do you find the transition between winter and spring hard? Â
Here are some tips to raise the v

Mindful walk in nature with Photography
Are you taking a moment for yourself? Try this mindful walk in nature with photography to calm the mind

Unlock your True Potential
January can bring all sorts of emotions to the surface as we start to emerge from the darker days of December into the light and new...

Intuition- tap into your personal power
How do we tap into the power of Intuition? Do the opposite of what we normally do. Follow these 3 steps Step 1 Doing and filling all your...

Capture the Seasons- New Online Course by Astrid Blake
This January ritual of looking forward and backward is fitting for the first day of a month named after Janus, the Roman god of...

Interior tips for time spent at home
Great to be included in a favourite local magazine Living North recently and be able to offer some inspiration at a time when we are in...

Fabric wreath- craft project
How to make a fabric wreath, creative crafts using recycled fabrics, inspiration and textiles by Astrid Blake

Look after yourself- 5 tips for working from Home
If you are currently working from home now more than ever it is so important to look after yourself and share any tips on how to with...